Thursday, May 22, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
A View From Above
There are more photos from this flight to be viewed here.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Double Kayak to the Isle of Man

Kirstine generously volunteered to drive us to St Bees, act as a shore contact and wait around for the weekend in case we decided to return by the same means on the following day.
The tides dictated that we had to leave St Bees in the pre-dawn darkness at 3.30am. We expected the crossing to take 6-8 hours. I reported our position and average speed to the coastguard periodically so that we could be advised of any collision risk and as dawn broke we realised that visibility was only a mile or two at best.
From an almost flat calm at St Bees the wind rose to a northwest force 4 giving quite choppy conditions making the boat a little tricky to handle.
Shortly after reporting in to the coastguard for the second time we saw a ferry pass about a mile in front of us then disappear back into the gloom. Our only other encounter with boats was with a sailing boat appropriately called ‘Night Cat’ around 5 miles from the Manx coast. The helpful skipper called across to us offering a bacon butty then pointing a finger west by southwest into the mist declaring that to be the way to Ramsey.
It wasn’t until we were within less than two miles of Maughold Head that we got our first real sight of land and after 6 hours and 15 minutes we landed on the seaweed infested rocky foreshore of Maughold Brooghs. After a short break we continued to our final destination, Port E Vullen where we unpacked the kayak and made our way for s well-earned rest at the near by Venture Centre.
The forecast for the following day gave easterly force 3-4 so rather than a slog into a headwind we decided on a more leisurely paddle along the coast to Douglas and catch the 3 o’clock fast ferry to Liverpool. Following a log like sleep we enjoyed a hearty breakfast of cheese toasties, grapefruit and muffins before setting off for the beach. Ahead of us lay a 26km paddle along some of the best lcoastline that the Photo: Sean Jesson
The paddling was uneventful and by Lunchtime we had landed close to the ferry terminal in readiness for an easier crossing. The ever helpful Kirstine met us on our arrival at Liverpool and we were all home in time for Tea.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Bank Holiday Paddling
Me, Sean, Clive, Lesley and Andy completed the Lancaster Round on a dull and wet Sunday. The Route starts at Glasson Dock where we took the last of the flood tide up the Lune Estuary into Lancaster. Following a couple of awkward portages we paddled along the Lancaster Canal through Lancaster where we stopped for a generous pub lunch.