After arriving on the island shortly after dawn on Good Friday, we touched base with Keirron at 'Balabrooie' which is his family home and the base for his 'Adventurous Experiences' business. Freshly armed with some local knowledge we set off for a cooked breakfast at Port Erin to make preparations for the first leg of our Manx adventure.
The First Leg of Man (29km)

Calf Sound has strong tidal currents which can produce spectacular overfalls but we had timed our passage carefully. Once through the sound we could begin our passage north along the rugged west coast.

After our only break of the day we decided to look for somewhere to camp for the night just to the north of Peel. We found the perfect location with soft sand to camp on and plenty of driftwood. We had views of Peel Castle close by and the Mountains of Mourne, all the way across the sea in Northern Ireland. The ferry fiasco of the previous night left us deprived of restful sleep and after a wee nip of whisky our cradles were happily left un-rocked.
The Second Leg of Man (40km)
As dawn broke I rose to the familiar feeling of cold, thirst and hunger. Oh its great to be alive! Simon soon re-kindled the fire and before long had cooked up a stack of bacon butties. One of my trademark pots of strong coffee provided the essential boost and I was ready for anything. I should point out that I was around 10 minutes late on the water, which is a point that I am not permitted to forget.
After a short section of rugged rocky cliffs and intriguing kelp infested inlets, the coastline took on a soporific monotony. Miles upon miles of shingle beaches would leave us short of visual interest for much of the day.

Kirstine had taken a flight earlier and by the time we all met at Simon's house she was getting well acquainted with local traditions and white wine. Simon and his wife Tracy made us very welcome amongst their family and friends and laid on a splendid garden party with plentiful food, entertainment and surprises all round.
The Third Leg of Man (36km)

The increasing winds slowed our progress and the skies darkened as we drew nearer to Douglas Bay. Over 3 kilometres of exposed, gusty paddling lay between us and a well earned lunch stop. With a breath of good fortune the wind rapidly decreased just as we passed the bay's northern entrance and by the time we reached the small beach beside the lighthouse, the sun came out.
After some quick sickly troughing of Eccles Cakes and Cadbury's Cream Eggs we were soon back on a breezy sea but now with a following tide. Simon is Manx and as such felt it was his destiny to finish this circumnavigation of his homeland in no more than 3 legs. After a cheery farewell he eased away towards the sinking afternoon sunshine and would soon become invisible in the haze were it not for the occasional glint from his paddles. He reached Port St Mary in plenty of time for tea!

The Fourth (and final) Leg of Man (18km)
We needed an early start in order to paddle round Langness before the tide turned against us. We made it on the water well before 8-00am possibly because whisky supplies were running low.

Port St Mary lay only 3km to the west but paddling directly into the weather would be a futile exercise. Instead we paddled north, deep into Bay ny Carrickey and made a shorter more sheltered passage having stopped briefly on a beach to consume yet more confectionery.

Thanks are due to Keirron at Adventurous Experiences for his help, hospitality and local knowledge, and also to Simon and Tracy for a their hospitality and a wonderful party.